So, I could throw the humble card and be all like - "It was nothing. REALLY!"
But come on. You know me. I know me. And, I'm not about to pull that card right here, right now. Instead, I'm going to pull the I'm-the-world's-greatest-woman-in-the-world-I-dominated-the-kitchen card. A round of applause would be great - RIGHT ABOUT...NOW!!!
Okay, so I didn't do anything to contribute to world peace, or tell you how
But regardless. I still dominated the kitchen. I took one look at that recipe, glared my oven into baking obedience, pulled out the rarely used rolling pin...and created some awesome scones that will have you wanting to
Whew. What a job. But someone's gotta do it. Meaning, of course, WRITE THIS BLOG.
Yours Truly,
Domestic Goddess.
I have 3 amazing scone recipes, two of which I've been making ever since I was born basically.