Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ben's Sunday Routine.

Every single Sunday, Ben spends the moments leading up to the Falcons' game preparing. Mentally. Physically. He gets in the zone.

Throughout the course of the game, he paces. He talks - he corrects the sports broadcasters for mispronouncing a player's name, he yells at the referees for make bad calls or not catching a face mask (I don't know what that means, but it makes me wonder: they do facials on the field?), he talks to the Falcons players, coaches and anyone else that will listen (like me). In the midst of the game, Ben rewinds to watch a play again, or catch a facial expression of a coach or player. Or, fast forward through all the commercials. He prays, pleads with God to stop one play or let another one go - as long as it is in the favor of the Falcons. Depending on what is going on - I've been known to screen all facebook, twitter and text messages for Ben during the game.

This is serious stuff, I tell you.

Today, was no different. In the first quarter, at the first score made by the Saints, Ben's despair flew to great depths. "Ben, the game isn't over." I reminded him. For one second, he came out of his zone. He nodded, acknowledging my comment, then I lost him again to the game.

What you will watch below is not a re-enactment. It is an actual event, displaying Ben's ardent passion for football, for the Falcons. You will see the agony, the despair, the joy. You will see a glimpse of what I get to watch every week, not the game (who watches THAT), but Ben, in his element. I wouldn't trade this for the world.

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