It is so hard for me to grasp that our baby will be here in 7 weeks. It seems like time has flown by in one sense...and yet, it feels like I've been pregnant for FOREVER.
This week:
I encountered sharper pains of Braxton Hicks contractions.
I watched my feet (and hands too) start swelling again.
Pregnancy insomnia greeted me warmly...although, I have NOT returned the greeting so well.
I bought pregnancy skinny jeans. I felt silly buying jeans at 8 months pregnant, but it is AMAZING what a pair of skinny jeans will do for a girl. I felt normal. :)
Week 33 is one week I don't want to forget either. It marked the week I realized that for all my calculated planning for preparing for this baby, some things are out of my control.
Ben's Mom threw us a baby shower. We were so overwhelmed by the generosity of friends and family who came to celebrate our little one's arrival.
The weeks are ticking by so quickly....which already have me wishing the next 18 years will crawl by. He isn't even here yet, but we are anxious to cherish every moment with our child.
bethany i read your blogs and want to cry! i love your writing style, your warmth and genuine touches of humor. reminds me of the way you wrote emails to me! i love it. never, ever stop writing.