Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Blog and the 1st Day of School

My friend Michael recently moved to Taiwan. Honestly, just typing that makes me want to go on a long rambling paragraph about how a TON of my friends have moved out of state OR out of the country. But that is for another day...

Anyway, my friend Michael has been one of my most cherished friends for 6 years (Can you believe it, Michael???). We became friends on Move-In Day of college. And we've stayed friends through exams, papers, our mutual struggle to commit to ONE friend group until our senior year, changes in families, getting grown-up jobs, life changes and now this - Michael moves to Taiwan.

This week, Michael asked me to remember him on his first day of class as a teacher. He said he was nervous about getting distracted. That only made me laugh as I consider him one of the most focused and deliberate people I know.

While I am not sure how the rest of the day, I do know that Michael incorporated my recent blog post on Milo and Miko in his class as a visual aid for how to do a blog for an assignment in his class.

I am not just thrilled.  I AM ABSOLUTELY DELIGHTED. My BLOG was used on the first day of school...AND MY DOGS WERE MADE FAMOUS TOO!!!!!

Thank you, Michael. You made my day.

(Readers, definitely add Michael's blog to your daily read. I love a good international blog post, especially one from a good friend too!)

1 comment:

  1. Feeling the blogosphere love, haha. Thanks for the reciprocal shout-out! The kids loved Milo and Miko and especially their names. We're going to do a paper blog of their summer, so they'll bring in pics from the summer to share what they did. These kids are super-smart so I'm excited to see what they come up with.


I (heart) comments! Thank you for making my day!