So here is my slightly different tale of diaper bag contents.
When I'm going on a trip or I'll be away for a long period of time, I use my trusty Petunia Pickle Bottom bag. If you don't have one, I highly reccomend them as they can pack about as much as Mary Poppins suitcase...and a little more!
Simple I know, but I find that it does the trick when I'm on the run. I also always try and throw on a dangly necklace when, in case of a toddler meltdown, it can be used as a rattle toy. My kids play with my necklaces for hours.
Mostly, I use my minivan pockets as my diaper bag. In there you will find diapers of all sizes, wipes, granola bars, cookies, an extra hairthing (in case of a fashion emergency) and a thing of bubbles.
For me, keeping kids fed and entertained is my key to survival. If I can do that, I have succeeded. So there you have it. Not your typical diaper bag content, but effective none-the less.
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