I should have seen it coming. Looking back, there were signs. But, it never occurred to me. Signs such as:
- On Sunday, I ate nachos. Made with BBQ pringles, cheese and salsa. It was wonderful. But, really, WHO DOES THAT?
- On Sunday, I cried over the Top Chef. Top Chef? Really? Tears?
- On Sunday, Ben asked me when I was suppose to have started my period. I didn't know. His calculation revealed I was 7 days late and I hadn't even noticed.
Those were the signs.
On Monday, I took a pregnancy test. It was positive. At 7:10am, I woke Ben up in a panic. "You have GOT to wake up." Monday was a daze.
On Tuesday, wee went to the doctor. And, when the doctor looked at Ben and said, "Congratulations, Dad." I looked at her and said, "How far along am I?" When she said 6 weeks, due the first of November. I was too shocked for words. I am 6 weeks pregnant and I didn't even know.
Funny things have taken place in the last 72 hours:
- The doctor tells us November 3rd and Ben begins to quote the movie
V for Vendatta. "Remember, Remember the Fifth of November".
- The doctor asked me which hospital I planned on using. My response, "You just told me I was pregnant. I have no idea."
- My friend, Josh, tells me to "Shut Up." That was SUCH a Josh response and I loved it.
- My mother-in-law Cindy suggested it might just be twins.
- The non-stop starvation. OMG.
There will be owls. And, lots of them:
http://www.etsy.com/listing/62196758/owl-baby-nursey-art-personalized?ref=sr_list_26&ga_search_query=owls&ga_noautofacet=1&ga_search_type=handmade&ga_facet=handmade%2Fchildren |
Owl Hats