Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Edward, Jacob and Ben

Dear Edward and Jacob: 


I am not on either team. I'm sorry. Thanks to your creator, Stephanie Meyer, I definitely like the Twilight series, but when forced to choose between the two of you, I simply can't. The sparkly skin of you, Edward, CREEPS ME OUT. And, Jacob, I'm not a fan of you shredding your clothes off to become a wolf.

Honestly, I'm just a Ben fan. Mostly because, while he hates you both, he takes me to see you. In the theater. And beyond the fact that I don't have to worry about him being icy cold or blazing hot (besides be H-O-T-T HOT)...he is just a lot of fun to be with. And Ben's facial expressions during the entire movie...priceless. Mostly, because he mocks you both during the ENTIRE film.

So....thank you for the entertainment. Its fun. And, fascinating to watch the books brought to life. But, in the end. I won't choose which I like the most. Because I'm not crushing on either one of you. I'm crushing on the man who takes me to see ya'll battle out your love (or obsession) for Bella.



PS - If you are an Edward, Jacob or just plain Twilight fan AND a can make IRON ON t-shirts to sport your adoration.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Ways I K-N-O-W I'm Growing Old...

I just keep hoping it was passed down to me...The women in my Mom's family overflow with one distinctive trait: they age well.

I hope I have that trait. To be honest, the thought of growing old, gathering wrinkles that cling to my face, looking droopier than Eeyore...generally scares me half-to-death. This came up in a conversation recently, so I thought I would share some ways I KNOW I'm getting old.


1. When I find ONE gray hair and I ask Ben if he'll still love me. Then I contemplate dying my hair...NOW. Ignorance is bliss, you know.

2. When we hang out with friends and by 10:00pm, I'm begging Ben to take me home. Because "I CAN'T keep my eyes open for ONE MORE MOMENT."

3. When Ben and I have this conversation:
Me: I'm thinking about getting botox.
Ben: HAHAHA!!! Yeah. right.
(Ben looks at me. I stare blankly at him. His eyes grow wide)
Ben: You are serious. (notice this is a statement, not a question)
Me: Yeah. I am.
(Ben then proceeds to make fun of me by doing a one-sided-stiff-face-conversation.)

4. When I don't want Ben to squeeze my face because it may cause wrinkles, I stand in the beauty aisle in stores looking at Anti-Wrinkle Cream.
5. I read fashion magazines.
(to gather tips of how to disguise my body's imperfections with clothes...I'm sure you wants me to share, right? SORRY! That is why they are called SECRET beauty tips.)

In-spite of all this...I guess I really shouldn't be too worried. I still get asked if I just graduated from highschool. 

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Those Times I Realize I Really Haven't Grown Up...

There are times I think I am sooo mature. So put together, so 'grown up'.

Except, I've realized...that just isn't the case.

For instance, this morning, I ran into the bedroom BEGGING Ben to get up and kill the bug. Did I mention it was 6:30 in the morning?!? (That man never ceases to amaze me)

Still not convinced?

Well, for the past week, I've been craving the classic Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich. Let me tell you, there is nothing like an ooey-gooey-crunchy-peanut-buttery mixed with some sweet-smooth-preserve all gently smashed together into the PERFECT sandwich.


Yes, I drive home every day for lunch just for this sandwich. It's THAT good.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

6 Things You Need To Know...RIGHT NOW.

6 Things You Need to Know...RIGHT NOW.

1. So, right now, I'm in the middle of my Bachelorette obsession. I'm particularly excited about this season because Ali from the Bachelor IS the Bachelorette. Ben hates her, but I love her. I guess that means she can't come to dinner. Bummer. Anyway... to anyone who hasn't watched the Bachelorette, THIS season is hysterical! Don't believe me? PLEASE check out this little clip of a guy who wanted to "show his love" so much...he got a tattoo to prove it.

2. Last week, Ben and I got into a big ole' *cough, cough* "discussion" ( our pre-marital counselor and she HATED the word argument). Words were hurled out of anger, tears streamed, forgiveness was sought and in the end, love won. Marriage has its ups and downs, but we are learning to work it out and be better. For each other. For our commitment to each other.

3. In light of the above mentionables (please refer to 1 and 2...AND yes! I did JUST make up a word): Ben gave me roses. On Monday, Ben celebrated my love for the Bachelorette AND celebrated us by saying, "Will you accept this rose?" Of course I said, YES. To. All. THREE. ROSES.

4. My favorite salad addition is this scrumptious combination: 1 vidalia onion, 1 green paper,  1 cucumber, all chopped up. Pour white vinegar, sprinkle generously with salt and pepper, refrigerate. Then enjoy. Let me tell you...its DEFINITELY worth crying over the onion for.

5. If you have some time to waste...or to be inspired. Whichever you prefer, I STRONGLY encourage you to check out the Parade of Homes on Poppies at Play. 

6.  This number signifies that Ben and I celebrated 6 MONTHS of Marriage on Saturday. Its been great. Ben makes my life better. Fuller. Richer. I love him.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

And the Winner is....

I know I've been quiet on the blog this week. I am SO sorry. Its been a crazy week.

I am thrilled to announce that the winner of my blog's FIRST EVER Giveaway is....*DRUMROLL!!!!*

Stephanie! HOORAY!!! This was her comment: 

i am going to win because the surprise was AMAZING!
in 2005 we went to visit shaun's family for the first time in south africa. he had just taken a new job(after we booked the flights) and did not have enough vacation to stay for the whole trip. he ended up flying home a week early to start work and i stayed there with the girls. it was the first time we were apart for that long, and we both really missed each other. when i came home, i was so thrilled to see him at the airport. i was deliriously sleepy and decided to go straight to bed when i got home. he was extra cheerful and couldn't wait for me to go upstairs. when i started up the stairs, i found out why. he had been writing me love notes all week(i am words of affirmation all the way as my love language) and had no less than 100 postits covering our walls. i was in tears reading sweet words and all the kind things he was thinking of and missing about me while we were apart. best surprise ever! :) and after i finally took them down(they actually started falling off the wall), i took them to office max and had them laminated, so i will have them forever.
 Isn't that the sweetest surprise ever? It was absolutely enchanting for me to read because Stephanie got to brag on her husband's love for her.
(Stephanie, your gift card and surprise are coming your way soon!!!)

I love love.

Monday, June 14, 2010

WHAT?!?! A Surprise!?!?!? You SHOULDN'T HAVE! (But I'm glad you did!)

I love surprises. And, I hate suspense. Really, I do. Which is WHY without warning, you suddenly are embracing a mustarderly-greenish-vibrate beauty called my blog. (Yes, I think I just made up the word "mustarderly") Just because I love surprises! Do you like the new layout? I L-O-V-E it.

If you do - TELL ME WHY. If you don't - PLEASE BE NICE.

*Whew! I'm glad I got that out of the way!*

In other news...I have some fun things in the works. I wish I could tell you EXACTLY what some of them are...but I'm not. (I know, I know, its simply CRUEL of me to dangle a surprise in front of you and then give you what I hate - suspense!) In all reality, I can't. It isn't time. And, its too early, really. But, I'm excited about it. So, be on the look out.

But, to make up for the suspense I'm making you endure...I am happy to announce, that my 'lil ole' blog is hosting its VERY FIRST GIVEAWAY! This GIVEAWAY is to celebrate my new job, the new layout, summertime, surprises and really, just all things happy!Wahoo!!!!

Here are the ways you can be eligible: 

1. Leave a comment telling me the BEST surprise you've ever received. (you must expose your name in order to be eligible!)
2. Become a follower OR
3. Advertise my blog on YOUR blog or facebook (leave a comment with your link including the mention! Remember: If I can't access it, it won't count!)
4. Deadline: Thursday, June 14, 2010.
5. The winner will get: a Starbucks card. ('Cause ya'll KNOW I love me some Starbucks!) AND a surprise. ;)

Let's get this GIVEAWAY moving!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Result of Two Months

I love to laugh. It doesn't take much for me to be doubled-over-hand over my mouth-tears pouring down my face-laughing. A lot of the reason I write this to laugh. At me, with me. To capture those memories in the hysterical way possible.

But, while I love to laugh. I also love to give credit where credit is due. In this case, I need to give God some praise. While I may not talk about my relationship with God a lot, that doesn't mean it isn't important. On the contrary! God tends to teach me things in incredible ways...and I'd like to brag on His goodness.

As you all know, my days of unemployment spanned over 7-8 weeks. Basically, two months of living off Ben's income. While Ben is a very hard worker, he is also in school. So, he only works part-time. Do you get an idea of our situation? Two people, one income (part-time) and an entire host of bills. Seems impossible, right? Believe me, Ben and I both had panic moments.(Thankfully, NOT at the same time!!)

Over a time span of TWO months of my search for a job, the bills continued to come (isn't it incredible, that bills are SOOOO consistent?!?!). And over those two months, we didn't miss a payment. At all. Literally, God provided in amazing ways. Every single time we would see the end of the tunnel, we'd have the same conversation. For example, "If Bethany doesn't get a job by this point, we aren't sure what will happen". Those are scary conversations to have when you literally don't know how you will buy groceries or pay rent. But God just stepped in. Our tax return - which was delayed for over 6 weeks (prior to losing my job) - came the first month of unemployment. Then, over the total of the 2 months, God just continued to provide - with anonymous, large, monetary gifts. Whoever sent these gifts were also sensitive to our young marriage (remember, we haven't been married over 6 months yet) ....allowing us go on dates and spend time with just the two of us, without worrying about how we will pay for the next pending bill.

Ben and I both feel like we can't take credit for the last two months. How can we? What happened during this season was beyond our control - in every single regard. But we definitely CAN give God glory for providing for us in amazing and timely ways. It isn't about what we DID to change our situation - it certainly isn't glamorous to be on your knees;  feeling the tension and pressure of the unknown well up inside of you; looking at your spouse and wondering: What next?  We simply did the only thing we knew to do - place our trust in God. Ask Him to take care of us in ways that we couldn't. Depend on Him to provide. This seems so seamless, right? It was scary! I'm a control freak. Ben is a control freak. We like to be in control of our situation! (Who doesn't?!?!) How can I taken even a smidgen of credit? I mean, given a choice - I definitely would have kept my job. It was comfortable. I didn't have to worry about anything. But the worse thing of it all - I didn't have to rely on God either. Which, is an even more dangerous spot to be.

So every time there was an "extra" bill to pay (tires for the car, a second vehicle, etc., etc.), we saw our faith and trust in God increase. And every time there was just a regular bill to pay, we saw our faith increase too. Instead of the original response when this all first occurred ("WHAT DO WE DO NOW?!?!?"), our responses literally evolved as our faith, trust and dependence in God grew ("God will provide.").

Believe me, when its all said and done saying God will provide. Is a ton more comforting than WHAT DO WE DO?!?!?!? Why? Because He does, has and will continue to provide.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

First Day on the Job

Today, I started a new job. YES! Please celebrate, jump up and down, scream and holla, send me gifts...or all of the above. Pleaseandthankyou. However, for today's blog, I really want to focus on yesterday. I'm sure you are confused by this, I mean, shouldn't I WANT to talk about my first day on the job?? Nah. Not yet at least.

Hang in there.
Yesterday, ended 7 weeks of so, sooo much. The end of my marathon watching of Real Housewives of the Orange County, Real Housewives of New York, the fighting cake-bakin' Italians of Cake Boss, Tori & Dean,  Top Chef, Top Chef Masters, the ladies of The View, the Dynamic Duo of Regis and Kelly, Nine by Design, Dad Camp, Tough Love Couples, Keeping Up With The Kardashians and Millionaire Matchmaker...At some point of my first day on the job, it hit me - I didn't miss all those TV personalities.

                                                  (Real Housewives of Orange County)

Job searching is really, R-E-A-L-L-Y an emotional rollercoaster. And, after you have applied to everything you can find...and you don't hear anything back, you get depressed. So you retreat to Oxygen and Bravo. It helps. You breathe easier. You feel braver. For real. Then, you get inspired. You do laundry. Or clean the bathroom. Then start the day all over again.

Thank GOODNESS, THAT life is behind me. For real. I'm sure I won't be stranger to Bravo and Oxygen. Those two channels provided me with a lot of emotional support during my season of unemployment. I'm thankful.

For my first day, it started off well. I had a good hair day. I had my outfit picked out...the NIGHT BEFORE. Thanks to Ben, Lady Antebellum escorted me to my first day.

It was such a good day.

Monday, June 7, 2010

My First Massage Experience

Today, I went to a Sports Massage Therapist to find out - ONCE AND FOR ALL - what is causing my leg to cramp up when I run. It was quite an experience. Let's start off by allowing you to see the text messages between Ben and I:

Me: Just realized I didn't shave my legs
Ben: Oh well...I am sure they massage hairy men's legs everyday
Me:  Gross
1 hour and 15 minutes...EARLY!
This place is weird
Another man just entered WITH his bike
I haven't even seen this man
[massage therapist] and I'm freaking out

Despite my paranoia, I managed to "save face" and appear cool, calm and collected. Until I was taken to a room, with a little bed. After the Therapist - who, really was SO VERY NICE and I would definitely recommend him to anyone - and I chatted, my insides calmed down. Then, the massage part came.
Therapist: I'm going to step out, make yourself comfortable. Keep your shorts on. 
I almost died right then. The moment had come. I would have to lay on that little bed...under the sheets to get this massage. I started to panic. I hadn't prepared myself. Why had NO ONE explained what it meant to get a massage?!?! So, I did what any normal person would do: I coached myself. It went something like this. "Bethany...DEAR...This is for your good. This is to help so you can run again."
Worked like a charm. That pep talk never fails me. Never. Ever.
The massage really was wonderful, and EVEN BETTER - I was able to find out what was causing me so much pain that left me limping back to the car after Ben and I would run. It was simple tri-fold case of: running too hard-uneven ground-not stretching AFTERWARDS!
And the best part of it all?  the Massage Therapist never made one comment about my (barely, but nevertheless) hairy legs. God bless'em.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

All in the life...of a GIRL!

Today's main focal point was traveling to have lunch with Ben's family. In light of that, the following may or may not have occurred prior to lunch:

1.  I may or may not have dissolved into a fit - nicely accompanied by HUGE and rapid tears - because I had ABSOLUTELY.NOTHING.TO.WEAR. Literally.
2. I may or may not considered Ben to be highly biased because I am his wife when he told me I was beautiful. Because, really, who can believe a man who loves his wife??? Especially his wife?
3. I may or may not have continued my crying fest in the car.
4. I may or may not have applied a cold water bottle to my eyes in order to reduce puffiness and redness in and around my eyes. Why?  Because sometimes, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.
5. I may or may not have panicked after removing grass slipper nail polish from my toes only to discover the nail polish left a greenish residue that made my toes look like they had green jaundice.
6. I may or may not have asked Ben to pause an extra 30 seconds at the stop sign so I could apply my eye liner. (Extra 30 seconds at stop sign for vehicles behind us = ETERNITY!)

*CUE dramatic sigh*.....Its a tough life being a girl.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Time I Took A Pregnancy Test...At Starbuck's

STOP! Don't panic. I'm not pregnant. But, I thought I was. It all started when "Aunt Flow" hadn't shown up, and according to, I had all the signs for pregnancy.

So, on the way back from the beach, I decided to go to Walgreen's and get a pregnancy test. Of course, Ben waited in the car.

First, WHO KNEW there were so many FREAKING options for choosing a pregnancy test?!?!?!?!?

After I made my selection, I walked to the counter, praying that the cashier would be female. She was not only female, she refused to make eye contact. I tried not to laugh. AT her.

Then, I walked back to the car. Ben drove to Starbuck's (there was no WAY I was going to the Walgreen's bathroom). I slipped inside, stopped to enjoy the coffee scent that I may have to say good-bye to for a while. Then, marched to the bathroom. I carefully followed the directions on the pregnancy test instructions page...and the result? NEGATIVE. What a relief. No baby today!

To celebrate, I ate sushi. Because, when you aren't preggo, the best celebration choice is raw fish.