Saturday, May 29, 2010

5 Things I Can't Live Without

My favorite season...of all Summer. I love the heat, the fresh and happy fruits, the longer days - I LOVE IT ALL!

  1. Flip Flops. I love my exposed feet and the convenience slipping off and slipping on of those shoes. In particular, I have a weakness for Old Navy Flip Flops. Please tell me I'm not the only one in the world who stands in front of the ever-growing display of flip flops and suddenly, my heart melts at the very sight?!?!
  2. Tanning...with lots of sunscreen, of course. While I'll never use a tanning bed, I do love a nice dark tone to my skin. That said, here is a from one of my favorite shows Jerseylicious (I'm shameless, right?!?!), learn and laugh:
  3. Movie On the Lawn. Literally, this makes me feel all small-town and summerish. Literally. And with places like this, who can disagree?!?!?
  4. Popsicles. What else says summer like a drippy and fruity frozen treat-on-the-stick? And, I am an even bigger fan once I've realized that I have to say good-bye to ice-cream!
  5. Grilled Foods. Need I say more? Oh yes, if you need inspiration...scoot yourself right on over to here and dive in. Your stomach will thank you. And, your family, too. Trust me.

1 comment:

  1. So your love for Popsicles is shared. I bought a cute little popsicle mold from wal*mart where you put the orange juice in it and freeze it! needless to say when I opened it one of the molds was cracked so I'm taking it back to get another one.But I'll make some for when you come over next!


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