Thursday, May 13, 2010

Celebrate Ben Day

Today is Celebrate Ben Day.

Wait. What's that you say? Not on your calendar? I know, I know..its not a national holiday. Yet.

Lately, I've been devouring this incredible blog entitled Today's Letters.  This blog is really neat because every single day, you will find a wife of 5 years writing a letter to her husband. Sounds magical, right? Its really challenged me and got me thinking, "What can I do to celebrate Ben?"

Ben and I do various things to show each other our love. Just to name a few: we hid notes for each other to find around the house, leave love comments on our phones, Facebook and Twitter, he brings me flowers, he rubs my feet, he takes me on crazy hunts to find red velvet cake and makes me cinnamon rolls. (Did you notice that I crave weird foods?!)

Did ya catch what I just said?? HE...He...He...he...Ben does a lot of things for me. So, I decided it was time to host Celebrate Ben Day. So, today, we watched his favorite movie, ate his favorite snack foods, and soon, will eat his favorite dinner....all because Ben is the greatest.

Here is to wishing that you have a celebrate-[your favorite person]-day!

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I (heart) comments! Thank you for making my day!