Friday, August 6, 2010


Confession: I have an obsession.

I am obsessed with this blog. Seriously, I am. And, today, I realized just how freakin' bad this obsession is. Today, I kept count of the number of times I thought of my blog, my readers, and what I was going to write next.
I lost count. HELP! I might need therapy. 

I do know that I have, in fact, thought of all of you and my blog and the next subject of my blog at two make that THREE distinct times.

1. The shower. Approximate time: between 6:15-6:45 AM! While I was scrub-a-dubbing it up and in the midst of having of decide: Do I want to smell like Lavender and Chamomile or Coconut and Lime? And, should I have REALLY bought 'messy-tousled look' shampoo for this already crazy hair of mine? I thought of my blog. AND my readers. (Are you wondering WHY IN THE WORLD you read my blog? If not, don't worry - I'm wondering for you. Thank you for flattering me with your attention.)

2. Lunch by myself. Yes, I am have SUCH confidence in myself as a woman that I go to lunch at nice places by myself. I enjoy every second immensely. Oh, wait? What is that? Okay, you caught me. I had lunch with my Blackberry. Either way. It was BLISSFUL.

3. The-moment-I-stood-on-a-kitchen-chair-announcing-to-the-world-I-HAVE-NOTHING-TO-WEAR-and-then-Ben-laughed-at-me. Otherwise known as: More Days than I'd like to admit. Either way, it makes good blog material.

Oh, yes. I have a serious issue. Thanks for putting up with me. It gives me food-for-thought. (Ha!)

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