Monday, March 15, 2010

Photo/Blog Monday

After hearing feedback on doing possible theme days  on the blog, I received this comment:

"theme days, awesome idea. i know you totally stalk blogs, and have access to photos. so you could totally do like photo monday, and just post a pic that you really like and maybe even a link to a photo blog or something cool. just saying"

Well, its true! I am a complete and total blog stalker. So, every Monday, I will be showing off my favorite photo from over the week and ALSO one - of many - blogs that I love to follow.

Favorite picture of the week is from the people at the Image is Found Photography. Check out their blog: They are such cutting-edge photographers. I don't follow them as closely as I once did, but this picture is incredible!

My favorite blog of the week is a new favorite of mine, but I'm totally hooked. Its written by this girl named Morgan and it didn't take long before I was wishing we were real-life friends. There is such a wealth of fun can go there multiple times during the day and never, ever get bored. Go to Morgan's blog:

I'm already excited for next Monday!!

1 comment:

I (heart) comments! Thank you for making my day!