Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Bringin' the Gym Home

It's time...for a Gym Update. I know, I know it has been for-EVER, right? One of the perks (I can't believe I'm about to say this) of living in the RV was our FREE access to the local Gym. Now, that we are living in the Apartment, those Gym-access days are no more. We have been trying to figure out a new schedule for going to the gym or when we were going to pick up our daily exercise plan. Pre-work? After work? It's been difficult. And, if I were to be honest, (note: another 'I can't believe I'm going to say this') I've missed the gym.

No longer attending the local Gym has it disadvantages. We no longer can keep up with the Mr. & Mrs. Ironman couple. Which, is a shame, really. We will never know if they actually compete in the IRONMAN competition. And, I will never be able to collect flies in my mouth as I watch her read and run simultaneously. I will miss those days.

 Our obsession with the show Biggest Loser has taken on a whole new level. You know we bought the cookbook. But our obsession has taken a whole new level, Ben and I have taken on Jillian Michaels. We are doing her "SHRED" DVD. The good news: Ben and I might just look like Mr. and Mrs. Ironman in 30 days. Most people would assume that Jillian's usage of the word 'shred' is to lose weight. I beg to differ. It definitely stands for:
S- Single-handedly (creating)
H - Havoc
R- wRetchedly
E - (on) Everyone
D - Determined (to succeed)

I hate it. And her, too. I'm sore. I'm grouchy. And, her promise of 20 pounds in 30 days better come to pass. And, despire my (current) hatred...this too shall pass, right? RIGHT? And I will soon forget all my pain and agony each and everytime I climb all 3 flights of stairs to our Apartment return to being Jillian's biggest fan?! RIGHT?

One can only hope.

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